Hey guys, this is Luke Stanczyk. I will be helping out Zach and posting pieces often, at least on a bi-daily basis (probably more often than that). Most of these pieces will be breakdowns of the games, but I will be posting other, more in-depth pieces as well.
As Zach posted earlier, I am a HUGE Sox fan with a ton of sports knowledge and passions for writing and baseball. Like Zach, I interned for the Waddle and Silvy show, and that internship just concluded this past Friday (sadly). Also, I am an experienced blogger (follow my wordpress blog: chicitysportsblog), was the Sports Editor of Benedictine’s newspaper this past year, and will now work in the Athletics department doing broadcasting for their game webcasts and beat writing for their website.
I describe myself as a “baseball lifer,” and I believe that all of my playing experience (up through Freshman year of college at Benedictine and still playing in numerous leagues around the Chicagoland area) have given me knowledge and insights on the game that others may not be able to give. I look forward to sharing some of these insights and viewpoints with everyone, especially when it comes to talking about the White Sox.
Basically, I grew up in a family where if I did not eat, sleep and breathe White Sox baseball, I may have been dropped off somewhere in the middle of nowhere and left for dead. My parents met each other at a Sox game and were a part of the group called the “Sox Supporters” that sat in left field every game in the 70s and early 80s (if you were a Sox fan back in those days, you are sure to remember the creative banners and large amount of support from that area of the park). Like them, I share the same type of passion for this team, and our vacations are planned around which ballparks the Sox are playing at that we have not seen yet.
That last sentence is a perfect segway, as currently, I am writing this from a St. Louis hotel room. I will be at all three games this series in STL, and I will post pieces after each game. I am looking forward breaking down tonight’s matchup, and here’s to hoping Jose Quintana can keep up the Buehrle-esque work!