Since the White Sox schalacked (that’s definitely not a real word) the Twins earlier today, we’re left happy on getaway day, but bored with nothing to do at night. Take some of your free time to listen to’s exclusive interview with White Sox 2012 first-round draft pick, Courtney Hawkins! I interviewed him last week, and due to one technical difficulty after another, have been transferring files all over the place, resetting formats, and troubleshooting for the better part of a week now trying to get this posted for you all.
Finally, I’ve got it! So take a listen to Courtney talk about the White Sox organization from the players to upper management, what he thinks of the Chicago fans and media so far, what it’s been like as a teen getting thrown in to the limelight, and what his outlook is on his career is. (Sorry for the crappy sound quality at points; that’s what the endless adjusting of settings & formats does to a file) Oh, and make sure to follow Courtney on Twitter! (@CHawkins10)
Check out the link below for the interview on Vimeo!


Posted by Founder and Managing Editor of GSB!, Zach Gropper. Go, go White Sox!